Their importance in Pakistan is no more than scrap paper. Every other day in Pakistan one or the other building accident happens. Even if the roof collapses due to light rain, the trapped people get burnt to coal as a result of fire. Most of the buildings have cracks due to the earthquake. Such a situation is not seen in the civilized world. If we compare, there is no doubt that building code and bye are also required in Pakistan but it is also true that most of the laws are thrown in the Kurdish basket. Government officials sell their faith in the lure of money and against the law and buildings are erected on the basis of greed which is putting the lives of hundreds of people at stake. Strict building regulations are in place around the world. Prior to laying the foundation of the building, several permits are required, including the nature and location of the site. No one is qualified to build a building on...
The topographic point of Ali Mardan Khan (مقبرہ علی مردان خان) may be a Mughal era topographic point within the town of Lahore, Asian country that was inbuilt the 1630s. Ali Mardan Khan was a ethnic group WHO initial worked within the court of the Persian Safavid ruler monarch Safi, before moving to the Mughal court.The topographic point is of polygonal shape set up. He was practiced within the management of engineering works, particularly the development of canals, and worked on several giant comes within the Mughal territories in fashionable Asian country and Afghanistan. He was appointed because the governor of geographic area, Lahore and capital of Afghanistan, then of the geographic region in 1639. Khan died in 1657 whereas progressing to geographic area. Though Khan was AN engineer and attendant, he has come back to be domestically considered a notable non secular figure, and locals decision the topographic point Mardan Khan's room (shrine)....