Their importance in Pakistan is no more than scrap paper. Every other day in Pakistan one or the other building accident happens. Even if the roof collapses due to light rain, the trapped people get burnt to coal as a result of fire. Most of the buildings have cracks due to the earthquake. Such a situation is not seen in the civilized world. If we compare, there is no doubt that building code and bye are also required in Pakistan but it is also true that most of the laws are thrown in the Kurdish basket. Government officials sell their faith in the lure of money and against the law and buildings are erected on the basis of greed which is putting the lives of hundreds of people at stake. Strict building regulations are in place around the world. Prior to laying the foundation of the building, several permits are required, including the nature and location of the site. No one is qualified to build a building on...
Punjab CM Sardar Usman Bazdar has said during press briefing for incoming mega projects for the vision of PM Imran KHan reagardign development of Lahore city said that projects worth billions of rupees will give its due to Lahore city. Blood Disease Hospital to be built on 400 Cardiology and 200 Beds - The new hospital will be built on 124 kanals of LDA land near Arfa Karim Technology Tower and a summary of the Health Department has been approved in this regard. Mother and Child Care Hospital ( a part Gangaram Hospital) will be completed with apporxmately Rs. 4 billion. The Children's Hospital has been given the status of University of Child Health Sciences and Rs. 4 billion has been allocated for Children's University. I visited the Children's Hospital and saw the children there. It will be the first children's university in Pakistan for the treatment of children. A radiology department has been set up in the Services Hospital at a cost of...